
IF You Have WATER Problems, We Have Answers

Water Conditioning Systems

Hard water is an issue for many locals in the Black Hills. It’s a rather common occurrence for many home owners.

As water is pumped through the South Dakota aquifer, the accumulation of minerals consisting of calcium, magnesium, selenium and others, from the rocks deep below the surface creates hard water. The level of build-up of these natural occurring minerals determines the hardness of your incoming water.

If you have hard water, you may see rings or sand-like grit around the drain in the tub, sink and commode. Those living in areas where hard water is famous additionally make use of extra water and cleaning agent when cleaning clothes or creating meals. You could also notice that ice cubes from your freezer are more cloudy, there can be spots on silverware and your dishes and your drains and pipes can become clogged more often then normal.

Our advanced water softener system utilizes an ion exchange to eliminate calcium as well as magnesium deposits to soften the water. It functions by replacing calcium and also magnesium ions with salt and potassium ions without raising the salt content of the water. The entire home water treatment system connects to the main water supply at the point of entrance to your house. This ensures all the water you use will first go through the water filtering and softening system prior to consumption. It likewise eliminates the need to add any water softeners in your washing machine or dishwasher.

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We have options to rent water conditioning systems.

Water softener in Spearfish South Dakota

Drinking Water

Unpleasant drinking water is quite common for many folks in the Black Hills.

Bottleless water coolers offer an excellent alternative to bottled water coolers that require big jugs of water. Not only is the water from a bottleless water cooler fresher, but it’s also filtered or purified just moments before you use it … This Point-Of-Use. POU water doesn’t sit in bottles taking up storage for weeks, months, or even years. It just appears of your water supply pipe and also with your choice of filtration, right on the spot. Your water supply will determine the sort of filtration system you should include in your bottleless water cooler.

Reverse osmosis is an excellent method of providing clean and pure drinking water for households when compared to other water filtration systems and options. The reverse osmosis water filtration method relies on a semi-permeable membrane to filter out impurities from drinking water. In terms of efficiency, it is one of the best technologies available. It is capable of removing toxins and dissolved salts from water.

Bottleless water coolers spearfish south dakota
Bottleless Water Dispensors
Water RO South Dakota
Reverse osmosis water filters

Water Testing

Contaminated water is a problem for many locals in the Black Hills South Dakota.
A water test can tell the whole story.

Starting with a water analysis can assist you with the all the facts regarding your water. You need to have a baseline for your water quality. Otherwise, you could wind up selecting a remedy that’s either under- or over-powered for your real water contamination problems. What people really need are systems that make sense for their family members’s way of life. That calls for a more detailed look at the quality of water coming out of your faucet!

We provide water evaluation examinations and analysis due to the fact that we know it’s the best way to give you the information you need for peace of mind with your water.
Once you’re aware of the possible risks with your water, then you’ll be able to focus in on the filtration solution that will make the most sense for you and your budget.

Water softener dealer Spearfish South Dakota

Service Maintenance

Proper maintenance is essential to keep your water in pristine condition.
We offer three water softener maintenance programs, once a year, twice a year or four times a year.

Our maintenance checkup includes the following

  • Water test for hardness
  • Inspect plumbing
  • Inspect Media Tank and operation
  • Reprogram computer if hardness changes
  • Inspect Brine Tank
  • Winterize machine
  • Answer any questions

superior water black hills south dakota

have Questions about your water conditioning?

Frequently Asked Questions

Hard water is the kind of water that has high mineral content (compared with soft water). Hard water minerals primarily include calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+) metal cations, and sometimes other dissolved compounds such as bicarbonates and sulfates. Calcium usually goes into the water as either calcium carbonate (CaCO3), in the form of limestone and chalk, or calcium sulfate (CaSO4), in the form of other mineral deposits. The predominant source of magnesium is dolomite (CaMg( CO3) 2). Hard water is usually not harmful.

Does your skin feel dry?
Is your laundry stiff and scratchy?
Is your water bill uncommonly high?
Are your tub and sinks loaded with rust rings and scale accumulation?

If you answered yes to any of these questions there is a great chance you have hard water in your house.

Hard water leads to build-up in plumbing and water-using appliances, creating a restricted flow of water. In appliances such as washing machines and dish washers, the build-up can ultimately lead to the need to service or replace these items more frequently. In hard water areas, it is not unusual for the flow of running water through household water lines to be reduced to the size of a ball point pen head.

The minerals that make water hard generally include calcium and With soft water, it may actually seem like soap and shampoo have not completely rinsed off your skin. This sensation is caused by the fact that there is no dissolved rock in your water. The water’s natural softening and moisturizing agents can do their job, and thoroughly clean skin and hair. Conversely, this is why hard water can cause skin pores to clog with soap residue, leaving skin dull and hair feeling dry.

Though it may not be noticeable to the naked eye, iron may be in your water. Once it is exposed to air, the iron oxidizes, leaving rust colored stains on clothing, showers, sinks, and fixtures.

A water softener lowers the dissolved calcium, magnesium, and to a certain extent manganese and ferrous iron ion concentration in hard water.

These “hardness ions” trigger three major kinds of unwanted effects. Metal ions respond with soaps and calcium-sensitive cleaning agents, hindering their ability to lather and forming a precipitate– the familiar “bath tub ring”. Presence of “hardness ions” also inhibits the cleaning effect of detergent solutions.
Second, calcium and magnesium carbonates tend to precipitate out as hard deposits to the surface areas of pipes and heat exchanger surfaces. This is mainly brought on by thermal decay of bi-carbonate ions but likewise happens to some extent even in the lack of such ions. The resulting accumulation of scale can limit water flow in pipes. In boilers, the deposits act as an insulation that impairs the circulation of heat into water, reducing the heating efficiency and permitting the metal boiler components to get too hot. In a pressurized system, this can cause failure of the boiler.
Third, the presence of ions in an electrolyte, in this case, hard water, can also cause galvanic corrosion, in which one metal will preferentially increase in corrosion when in contact with another kind of metal, when both are in contact with an electrolyte. The salt (or Potassium) ions launched during standard water softening are much more electrolytically active than the Calcium or Magnesium ions that they replace and galvanic action is anticipated to be considerably increased by water softening and not reduced. Likewise if any lead pipes remains in usage, softened water is most likely to be considerably more plumbo-solvent than hard water.

The calcium and magnesium in hard water are removed by resin beads as it flows through the system. Hardness ions in the water are replaced with the soft ions of the resin beads in an exchange process to create the soft water.

Once the water softener resin beads become coated with calcium and magnesium ions, their ability to soften hard water decreases. Regeneration is a process during which water is flushed through the water softener with a concentrated amount of regenerant. Resin beads exchange the soft ions from the regenerant for the hard ions. The patented self-cleaning dirt and sediment filter in the WaterMax® whole house water filtration system sends dissolved dirt, rock and sediment down the drain. Following restoration of the resin beads, the water softener goes back to work, providing the entire home with soft, clean water.

Water that has been treated with a water softener has many benefits over hard water:

  • Housework is easier without having to deal with hard water build-up on fixtures and appliances.
  • Clothes laundered in soft water wear better, lasting up to 30% longer.
  • WaterMax® will provide fabrics that stay softer and whiter without the dingy gray caused by hard water.
  • Soft water cleans silverware, dishes, and glassware better, leaving a shinier finish.
  • Soaps and shampoos work more effectively because soft water allows them to lather better, enabling you to use up to 75% less product.
  • Organic, chemical-free healthy soaps and laundry products perform better with soft water.
  • Hair and skin feel softer and cleaner after bathing with softened water
  • Water using appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, and coffee makers last much longer when used with soft water.
  • As the most efficient water softener available, the WaterMax® is good for you and the earth.

Studies done in the 1970’s at the University of Wisconsin concluded that salt-brine discharge from water softeners had no ill effects on the operation of typical anaerobic or newer style aerobic home treatment systems. It was also confirmed that water softener regeneration discharge did not hurt drain field soil percolation and in some cases could improve soil percolation. Septic tank effluents containing water softener effluents include substantial amounts of calcium and magnesium, which balance the effect of sodium, in addition to promoting and sustaining soil permeability. According to the study results, it is preferable to discharge water softener waste to septic systems than to separate dry wells or ditches. Learn more at

The only household appliance that can actually reduce costs, a water softener can reduce water-heating bills by up to 29%. Soft water also requires less detergent and soap usage, so water softeners save you money on these items as well.